
Echoes of Destiny

This story narrates an incident that occurs within a hospital. The protagonist, a neurosurgical resident, unexpectedly discovers that the emergency patient brought to the hospital shares the same name as his deceased father. As the lead doctor, he successfully performs the surgery on this patient, yet tragically, the patient doesn't survive. Just as he couldn't save the loss of his father when he was a teenager, he also cannot save the fate of this patient who shares his father's name. Disappointed with himself, he begins to question the purpose of his medical career. 

By depicting a story of reconciling with an inexorable destiny, I attempt to explore how life and fate unavoidably lead to tragic endings. However, the path toward death is a matter of choice. In the same span of fifty years, under different choices, people lives their own life. I believe that life isn't a journey towards death, but a process to be experienced. Just as the doctor in the story cannot save every life, the sum of all his experiences shapes his unique extraordinary life that eventually becomes his memory.


Flickering Shadows


Finding Home